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Nahum - Hyphen
Big Idea — The Book of Nahum gives present-day Christians a look at God’s character, God’s established plan, who the real enemy is, and the importance of being on the winning side of God.
• Week 1 — Know Your Defender Understanding how God approaches sin, obedience, judgment, and grace shows us how we need to approach Him.
• Week 2 — Know the Battle Plan The foundations upon which God’s kingdom is built is our covenant relationship with Him. When we follow Him, we receive God’s promises and victory. When we disobey and refuse God’s grace, we open ourselves up to defeat.
• Week 3 — Know the Enemy We are in a spiritual battle against wickedness (in ourselves and within the world), and the enemy is not flesh and blood, but the forces of darkness that rule and reign within flesh and blood.
• Week 4 — Stay on the Winning Side To see miraculous power, we must defeat the enemy standing in the way by allowing God to fight for us and remaining on His side.