636.229.7900   link247@upci.org

Connecting with Words - Student

Credits: 20
Credits: 20

Big Idea — God created us to connect with others and with Him. We can connect with Him through our words in prayer, and we can connect others to Him with our words in witnessing and speaking encouraging words of grace.

• Week 1 — Connecting with the Body
We should be intentional in encouraging others. When we use our words to connect with the body of Christ, we are connecting them with grace.

• Week 2 — Don’t Connect to the Gossip Train
God despises the practice of causing pain to others by what we say.

• Week 3 — Connecting with Jesus
Prayer connects us with Jesus. By connecting with Jesus, we can experience salvation, healing, restoration, and a right perspective about life.

• Week 4 — Connecting Jesus to Others
Regardless of our natural personalities, we are all called to connect others to Christ. We are all called to make disciples, and we can do so when we use our words to share the gospel message.