636.229.7900   link247@upci.org

Daniel - Youth

Credits: 20
Credits: 20

Big Idea — Just as Daniel thrived in Babylon despite the ungodly culture, God empowers us to thrive on

campuses, in workplaces, and in social settings that are hostile to the Christian faith.


• Week 1 — The Compass: Finding Your Identity

We must know who we are in God like Daniel did, despite any attempt to confuse our identity.


• Week 2 — The Flashlight: Lighting the Way

Daniel saw his role in Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom as an opportunity to glorify God, and we too

can use our talents and abilities to shine the light on who God is.


• Week 3 — Mess Kit: Consume Wisely

Daniel chose not to consume the king’s food in order not to defile himself. Likewise, we must

choose not to consume what the world offers, instead trusting God with what we allow into our

minds and hearts.


• Week 4 — First Aid: Facing Persecution

Developing a lifestyle of prayer equips us to stand up for our faith in spite of peer pressure.